Need to clear your record? Process can be long, complicated
In many cases, people don’t realize there is more than one record to have expunged, said Tulsa defense attorney Jason Edge.
Kassie McClung June 20, 2016
In many cases, people don’t realize there is more than one record to have expunged, said Tulsa defense attorney Jason Edge.
Kassie McClung June 17, 2016
On the two-year anniversary of Joshua Stand’s death, family and friends held a vigil to remember him. Stand’s family says the community supports the lawsuit against an OHP trooper.
Kassie McClung June 2, 2016
An organizer of a petition drive to legalize medical marijuana in Oklahoma says the group has learned from its 2014 attempt. “We’ve had a great deal of time to go over everything that worked and everything that didn’t work.”
Kassie McClung May 25, 2016
“Writing has the power to change people’s lives,” Stackable said. “Ultimately, it’s about lighting a spark inside them that could turn into a flame, and they could actually have power to change their lives and not keep coming back to jail over and over again.”
Kassie McClung May 16, 2016
Jose Vega has been harassed because of his ethnicity and sexual orientation before, but Sunday morning left him shaken.
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