Frontier Favorites: Our top stories of 2016
From the polls, to the courts, to everything in between, 2016 had something monumental happening almost every day. And we were there to document it all.
For the Frontier December 27, 2016
From the polls, to the courts, to everything in between, 2016 had something monumental happening almost every day. And we were there to document it all.
Alexius Burton December 25, 2016
Donations for some Tulsa nonprofits that serve the needy were down leading up to Christmas but there’s still time to help. Various factors — including recent cold weather, the energy sector and even technology — have caused some Tulsa nonprofits to struggle.
For the Frontier December 22, 2016
Photographer Shane Bevel has shot and archived between 4,000 and 5,000 photos documenting the construction of Phase 1 of A Gathering Place for Tulsa park.
Dylan Goforth December 20, 2016
The Coffee Bunker always needs funds, especially as it seeks to expand to a new location. But right now the organization is seeking several items for the teenagers it assists.
Dylan Goforth December 19, 2016
The group seeking to change Tulsa’s flag is one-step closer to the finish line. But first, they need submissions from the public.
Dylan Goforth December 9, 2016
Rather than the unbounded optimism of pre-election night, the idea of a Donald Trump presidency filled the group’s members with dread, and a desire to find a way to cope.
Which gave Laura Banks an idea.
For the Frontier November 29, 2016
Established in 1974, River Parks today comprises more than 26 miles of paved trails and 300 acres of Turkey Mountain.
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